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With the resources I am committing to the foundation, I want to encourage the restoration of personal responsibility to its central place in American life and to limit government’s responsibilities to those areas the Founding Fathers intended.

Daniel C. Searle


The Searle Freedom Trust is preparing to close its doors and is no longer accepting unsolicited proposals. 

The Searle Freedom Trust supports domestic public policy research and related activities in our primary areas of interest:

To apply, you'll need to fill out a short form and upload a document with a detailed project description, a report on previous grants (if applicable), and a project budget. We'll also need evidence of your organization's 501(c)(3) status. 

Our proposal deadline is December 13, 2024. Unsolicited proposals will not be considered.  

The Searle Freedom Trust does not support building projects, individuals, capital campaigns, or endowments. All grantees must be 501(c)(3) entities.

It is the foundation’s policy not to support unspecified overhead costs associated with university projects.

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